radio ruine der kÜnste berlin                                                                                © 1988 - 1993   


'Radio Ruins of Art, Berlin' 
was a radio station set up by two artists: Wojciech Bruszewski and Wolf Kahlen.

In January 1988, Wolf Kahlen applied on my behalf for a radio conscession and 
6 months later German Post Office granted it. 
On 30 July, 1988, sponsored by DAAD and AEG Olimpia, 'Radio Ruins of Art' made its first broadcast at LW 97,2 Mhz and would broadcast 24 hours a day for the next 5 and a half years.
The world's longest radio programme was a philosophical discourse on infinity. 
The discourse was led by two characters: Gary and Paula, whereas 
a 'radical cross-section' of the world's phlosophical writings was presented by a computer. 
It did so by picking arguments at random, and so despite the pre-fixed amount of KNOWLEDGE those accidental encounters Plato, Schoppenhauer, Godl, Chuang Tzu, James, Russel and other Renowned Philosophers happended to have with each other would result in the unexpected NEW THOUGHTS.

The first computer programme employed to run the station was written by my friend Marek Frąckowiak. A few years later I myself wrote a new version of The Infinite Talk. I introduced the acoustic background and corrected the synthesised voice of the two robots.

My original plan was for the discourse on infinity to last forever. I even considered the option of converting the radio station to solar energy in case of some kind of catastrophe destroying the Power Plant-Civilisation. The catastrophe did hit but its name was German Post Office which withdrew our radio concession and granted it to 'Radio Brandenburg'.